Informative Video Zone

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Apa itu tahi telinga?

Anda Tak Faham Apa Orang Cakap?

Dua adalah lebih baik daripada satu

Masalah pendengaran terdiri daripada 3 jenis 

Kencing Manis dan Masalah Pendengaran

Orientasi Alat Bantu Pendengaran

Tips On How To Communication Effectively With The Hearing Aid Users

Why are some of the hearing aids found online cheaper?

戴了口罩后听不清楚? (Why I can’t hear clearly with a mask on?)

Tahukah Berapa Lama ?

Earphone dan Masalah Pendengaran


How to communicate with others when they are wearing mask?

Starkey Mask Mode & Edge Mode

Looking For Assistance ?